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That's why I work at Albert Heijn

Adam did an internship at Tech Labs, Albert Heijn's IT incubator.

It was a promising idea from Albert Heijn's commercial department: you reserve a package of surplus products via an app and pick it up at the nearby store, at a friendly price. That means less waste and cheaper groceries. But that the pilot version of the app would be downloaded 50,000 times on the first day? No one had foreseen that. Not even Adam Abbas, the builder of the app.

The winning idea: 'Overblijvers'

"To be honest, I didn't expect this to be such a big success," says Adam, IT specialist at Albert Heijn Tech Labs. His team was asked to develop an online application that allows stores to offer their surplus products in packages. Think of fresh bread, products approaching their expiration date, or items being discontinued. Great for the supermarket that can get rid of its goods, but also for the customer who can pick up a box full of good food for just a few euros. Moreover, it's a great way to combat food waste. The popular app Too Good to Go already shows that such a concept can work very well.

Tech concept incubator

Now, a few months later, 'Overblijvers' is about to be widely launched within the Albert Heijn app. Pretty cool, according to Adam. He was closely involved in the initial pilot, which ran in a handful of stores and among users in the Zaandam region. Adam helped build the app and promoted it in the stores. At that time, he was still an intern at Tech Labs. That innovation team is specially set up to develop and test smart concepts in four weeks' time. Anything goes, as long as it's related to technology. The team consists mostly of interns, like Adam.

Code, design, and business case

"The work was very technical; as an intern, I was really involved in coding, in my case as a front-end developer. Especially in the initial phase, we brainstormed a lot with the designers and the business team. Eventually, all our work came together in one product." Developing a prototype and testing it on a small scale makes it clear whether the idea has a chance of success. Some projects don't go beyond the pilot phase, while others become standard technology within Albert Heijn. Ultimately, this helps the supermarket to grow and continue innovating.

From internship to job

In general, interns work for six months at Tech Labs. Adam had the opportunity to stay afterward: "I could start working as a supervisor for the new batch of interns. I help them with their work and ensure they get the most out of their time at Albert Heijn. I also ensure continuity: when interns leave, I ensure that projects continue. This is important for a smooth transfer of successful ideas from Tech Labs to other departments of Albert Heijn."

"Besides this job, I'm studying Software Engineering at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. There, I've specialized in AI, automation, and Mobile Development - things that align well with the work at Tech Labs. I hope to graduate in a year. And then? I want to continue working at Albert Heijn. The 'Leftovers' project has really stuck with me: I enjoy app development, and I'd like to continue with that."

Challenging work environment

For a software developer, there's a lot to do at Albert Heijn, says Adam. "You're contributing to something very big here. And because we're so big, there's always more to learn. Whatever question you have, there's always someone here who knows the answer." No wonder the current Albert Heijn app is already 'very cool,' according to Adam. "I do see some small areas for improvement here and there. But those aren't easy to change. The app is so extensive that changing just one thing has a huge impact."

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the office is surprisingly relaxed. "You feel very free here. There are no strict deadlines, and you can just take a walk if you want." Adam, like his colleagues, often works from home. A few times a week, he walks to the office - a benefit of living and working in Zaandam. "At the office, we can socialize as a team a bit. And afterwards, sometimes have a drink in the park."

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